
Relationship. Trust. Fear.

I realize, as u said, i tend to sabotage my relationship and happiness with him n i know I hv to STOP it. perhaps i hv a problem with avoidant insecure attachment. i try to run away and maintain a distance when he gets too close at deep personal like soul level. perhaps things r going too fast.

But u like him right?

A lot. too much.

U two are in love, are dating. There is really nothing wrng to be so very in love. And its actually very good. Cos u cant find this feeling often. And its not gonna stay for long honestly. We all know that, we get used to our partner at a point.

Let me put it this way. i m afraid to lose myself again, just like i did. bcos of this (perhaps unreasonable) fear, i build a wall in panic, which is not conducive to the relationship.

U could have set that wall too high. To yourself, and your relationship. Honestly, u were just very in love sometimes, but ive never really seen u lose yourself. U are just being harsh to yourself. U hv been very conscious at all times. And sometime too conscious, as we always do. Just say, A. U just pull yourself out as if he is a bad cell in your body. Even u were in love. How could u say u have ever lose yourself?

Yes i m trying hard (too hard) to protect myself. that's cancer perhaps. that's u & me. we know we r brave yet vulnerable.

But u are doing well. And i think this is healthy relationship. U two took quite a long time to know each other, think of the relationship before commitment, u should trust his and your decision.

Trust is an issue.

Trust in a relationship takes time, and of course we both know it could be destroyed in no time. But the trust to start it, u both had it. Then we should be responsible for the relationship, and do good to it. It took me a lot of courage and energy. Honestly, if u put effort, and in love so much, then it doesn’t work out all that well. Still better then u destroy it because u are too i love and scare of it, isn’t it?

True. Hv to remind myself to take it easy!

It's hard. We are emotional cos we are super sensitive.
I bet he is too. i hope i hv not done anythg that might have hurt him.
Yes just follow your heart. If u love, go ahead. We only live once. and u have never, and won’t lose yourself. We are not that self destroy kind of person. If it goes wrong u would quit. Or most likely u would quit before it heads to that direction.
Pls remind me of that.


Make yourself smaller

"I always feel that I m like walking on a very fine line in the mid air and I may fall and die at any moment."

"Make yourself smaller. The very fine line for you is considered wide for an ant."


We are like the exact opposites. She keeps thinking there is noone but him. I keep thinking there are countless guys out there. I don't know which is worse. One thing for sure, we are not happy the way we are now.





然後,忽然間,已經 burnt out 的我又有了重新上路的動力和勇氣。不單是事業上,也是生活上的。我答應自己,不可再糊里糊塗地吃喝玩樂了,得在日常生活中好好照顧自己。我鄭重地,答應,自己。



前幾天又在美容院花了約一萬,又肉痛又興奮。認真算算,自踏入社會,我在瘦身美容的開支,應該最少有十萬,好瘋狂!然後朋友提醒我,事實上我一直不乏桃花,代表我外表ok,但總是沒有對的人願意與我 tie the knot,那即是說我其他方面出了問題,所以呢,我再花心力在皮相上,也不一定會教情路變平坦。其實一直以來,我努力地讓自己在外貌、修養、學問、事業上變優秀,並沒有想過要悅人,直至 Serina 提醒我,我才發現自己其實非常在意别人的評價。於是我又開始反省。我這樣出力把自己變漂亮,到底是為了什麼。我這樣努力找尋所謂理想的伴侶,到底是為了什麼。我這樣賣力工作,又到底是為了什麼。